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You've noticed that lately, your baby is constantly asking for the breast or bottle, and you feel like they're never satisfied. Welcome to the growth spurt!
A growth spurt, peak day, or growth surge refers to a period when your baby will want to eat much more frequently, day and night! These days are more intense than usual because your baby is always hungry and in "glutton mode."
When people talk about growth spurts, they also mention the 3-6-9 rule. It means growth spurts typically happen at 3, 6, and 9 weeks, and again at 3, 6, and 9 months. These are good guidelines, though they can vary from baby to baby.
To identify a growth spurt, you'll notice your baby: ➡️ Wants to nurse or drink from the bottle much more often (an obviously hungry baby) ➡️ Cries more frequently ➡️ Requests more skin-to-skin contact ➡️ Has more disrupted sleep than usual… even if sleep hasn’t been great lately. For babies who previously slept well, their sleep might be disturbed for a while.
Whether you're breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, growth spurts are intense periods for parents. Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Intense periods usually mean more stress and fatigue for parents.
Set aside non-essential tasks and ask family or friends for help with groceries, meals, or caring for older children. If you have other children, reach out to available family and friends to handle things like school pick-ups and sports classes.
Also, take time to create a cozy, restful space for yourself: nursing pillows, blankets, soft music, fresh water – make a corner for yourself so you feel comfortable while caring for your baby.