06 August 2024

That’s it, your pre-pregnancy dreams that whisked you away to a sandy beach with a mojito in the shade of palm trees are over… But boom, since you became pregnant, your dreams have taken such a wild turn that sometimes, upon waking, you find yourself questioning everything… Before rushing to see a therapist, know that YES, it’s normal to have bizarre dreams when you’re pregnant… And here’s why.


What’s really going on?
Dreams reflect your mental state, and let’s be honest—you’re probably a bit overwhelmed right now. This sweet mix of stress and excitement related to your pregnancy stays with you, even while you sleep. And hormones—especially spikes in progesterone and estrogen—also contribute to the arrival of strange dreams. Not to mention that due to your more frequent nighttime awakenings (thanks to the baby pressing on your bladder!), you’re much more likely to remember your dreams… Why? Because dreams occur during deep REM sleep, and when you wake up during this phase, it’s much easier to recall those “vivid visions.”


The Expecting Mom in Wonderland
So why this abundance of erotic dreams, tropical forests, oceans, talking animals, and skyscrapers?
These themes are most often reported by expectant mothers. They represent the emotions and anxieties related to the changes in your body, the person growing inside you, and the evolution of your relationship with your partner. It’s a lot to process all at once!


Erotic dreams during pregnancy…
Pregnant women may suddenly find themselves having erotic dreams, even X-rated ones, including or excluding their partner. There’s even a scientific explanation! It’s all due to hormones, which increase blood flow to the erogenous zones… affecting your sensitivity and sexual desires. Charline shares her experience:

“When I was pregnant, especially during the last trimester, I had steamy dreams almost every night… When I say steamy, I mean it metaphorically, because upon waking, it was a cold shower and confusion. In my dreams, I even found myself in the midst of intimate moments with my three sisters, filmed by my husband… And the strangest part of these dreams was physically feeling sexual pleasure close to orgasm. I felt guilty upon waking; it’s true that I’m quite close to my family in real life, but dreaming about that…?”


Dreams: A way to overcome pregnancy-related anxieties
Although strange dreams can be unsettling (we agree), they can also be helpful. Consider them as your subconscious’s way of helping you cope with your anxieties and other heavy emotions. Finally, don’t put too much stock in nighttime “premonitions.” You might be a nervous mom, but you’re not a prophet…