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You’re newly pregnant, and with the holidays approaching, you’re not quite ready to make the big announcement… That’s perfectly normal! Like you, many expectant parents enjoy keeping a little suspense at least until the dating ultrasound.
But as the holidays draw near, you can already picture it: an endless feast overflowing with foie gras, raw fish, and maybe alcohol... So how can you hide your pregnancy during a festive meal, despite a pregnant woman's diet that might raise suspicions? Here are our best tips.
3 Tips for Hiding Your Pregnancy During the Appetizer!
It will certainly require a bit of planning with your partner in advance. But know that these tips have been tested and approved by the parents in our JOONE community!
Fail-proof Tip
If you’re going out for drinks at a café, order a mocktail (they often have improbable names). This way, you’ll be asked less about what’s in your “Sweetness of Acapulco” than about your choice of a diet cola.
Excuses to Keep Hiding Your Pregnancy at the Dinner Table:
For the starter: foie gras and smoked salmon... the whole shebang! They’ll definitely be watching you closely. So arm yourself with courage and these 3 foolproof arguments:
Moving on to the cheese platter... aged, unpasteurized cheese, of course! Instead of skipping it altogether, say:
“No, really, this meal was quite filling, and I absolutely want to save some room for dessert. You and sugar, it’s a long love story.”
And for the wine throughout the meal...
You’re the designated driver tonight, and you already had a drink during the appetizer.
In reality, it was non-alcoholic, as we explained earlier, but they don’t need to know that!