15 December 2024

Parental Burnout: A Highly Taboo Topic, Yet on the Rise Among Parents

You may have heard of burnout as an occupational disease, but this form of exhaustion can also affect family life. Between mental load, the ideology of perfection, physical exhaustion, and lack of sleep... is parenting (aka "the dream of a lifetime") actually making you sink? Here are 10 warning signs to watch out for.

1. You are constantly seeking perfection—as a parent and for your children

Strongly influenced by social media and societal expectations, a parent experiencing burnout strives to present a polished, flawless image. They want to appear in total control, with perfectly groomed children eating homemade (and organic) purees. However, in reality, this unattainable pursuit of perfection leads to overwhelming guilt, which only deepens over time—often without the parent even realizing it.

2. Your self-esteem is plummeting

This goes hand in hand with the previous point. When constantly setting excessively high standards, parents may feel like they are failing at everything. They only see their shortcomings, unable to acknowledge their successes.

3. Parental burnout makes your emotions fluctuate wildly

One moment, you feel overwhelmed with love for your children, and the next, you just want to lock them in their room forever. You constantly juggle contradictory emotions: pride then disappointment, love then rejection, joy then sadness…

4. You experience mood swings

If you were once cheerful and sociable, you may now find yourself increasingly pessimistic and cynical. You struggle to feel empathy—even for those closest to you.

5. An overwhelming sense of overstimulation

You feel like everything is too much—too many people, too many demands. You feel as though you can't tolerate anything or anyone anymore. Which leads us to the next point…

6. A tendency to isolate yourself

Parents experiencing burnout often withdraw from others—ironically, just when they need support the most. This is particularly common among fathers, who may turn to addictive behaviors such as excessive gaming, alcohol consumption, or intense exercise.

7. Significant weight gain or loss

Parents in burnout may compensate for their distress with food—either by binge-eating their child’s snack packs or, conversely, by losing their appetite or following extreme diets in an attempt to rapidly lose weight.

8. Extreme physical fatigue linked to parental burnout

Always feeling drained, a parent suffering from burnout may struggle to get out of bed—even after a 10-hour sleep. Constant drowsiness, dizziness, and an overwhelming need for naps can all be warning signs. Paradoxically, however, another major symptom of parental burnout is…

9. Sleep disorders

Despite extreme physical exhaustion, parents in burnout often suffer from sleep issues. Chronic insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, and non-restorative sleep only reinforce their fatigue. It’s a vicious cycle.

10. A decline in libido

Exhaustion, low self-esteem, weight fluctuations… all of these factors can lead parents experiencing burnout to lose interest in intimacy. Everything feels like a chore—even cuddling.

Ways to Overcome Parental Burnout

  1. If you feel like you’re losing control, it’s essential to carve out time for yourself, get real rest, and reconnect with your body. Can you take even half a day off to breathe?

  2. Delegate the most draining tasks and focus on what truly matters. Is it really the end of the world if there are dirty dishes in the sink or dust bunnies on the floor?

  3. Keep a journal where you note all the positive things that happened during your day.

  4. Take a break from social media.

  5. Most importantly, don’t hesitate to seek professional help—whether from a psychologist, a parenting coach, or another support system.