20 February 2018

A few weeks ago, my nanny told me she thought my milk was not nourishing enough anymore. Even though a mother’s milk is always nourishing enough, I had to admit that my son had a big appetite and wouldn’t say no to an additional chicken pie plate from time to time. The time had finally come then, to begin solid food.

Fortunately, that event took place at the six-month visit, where I was given a 2-page long document, written in Arial size 9, titled How to successfully introduce solid food in your baby nutrition.


In light of these advices, I took the liberty of adding a personal imperative. Indeed, considering how fragile his tiny tiny body was, still untouched by the damages of GMOs and pesticides, I decided that my baby boy would eat organic food. He is suffering enough from the capital’s pollution, thank you very much…

Even if introducing solid food in a baby’s nutrition is usually recommended from the age of six months, I decided not to begin right away –winter had just ended and I wanted him to taste the first spring vegetables to begin with, and not bad quality vegetables.

As far as I am concerned (as a mother, communications manager AND food blogger), eating seasonal products is as important –if not more- as organic food:

  • Growing summer vegetables in glasshouses in winter is quite energy hungry (so organic culture inside glasshouses is a mismatch)
  • Importing fruits and vegetables has a high carbon impact because of the highly energy demanding means to convey them.

In the end, for my baby boy, I said yes to organic food, but not at all cost:

  • You cannot promote organic production and consumption at all costs, all the more when it means importing grapes from South Africa or strawberries from Spain.
  • These habits will ensure a healthy and tasty nutrition, but they will also teach patience to your child, just the way I learned when I would patiently wait for the first cherries.
  • In the end, the less the food travels, the tastier, fresher and more nourishing they will be. It means that a seasoned carrot produced locally will be healthier for my little nugget, even without the organic label.

This is why Joone Babycare promotes short circuit and local economy. Since our very beginning in France, we have poured our hearts in producing our products locally. We wanted, and still want to avoid unnecessary transportation, and be absolutely certain of how our nappies are produced. This is, after all, the least we can do for our little angels, and the world we are going to leave them.

Because, in the short, medium and long term, the daily little gestures are going to make a difference.