28 September 2024

Red Cheeks, Swollen Gums—No Doubt About It: Baby Is Teething



Since those little teeth started coming in, it’s been the same struggle: your baby won’t sleep, and nights have turned into a nightmare for both of you. So how can you help your baby sleep better during teething?

"When my son is teething, I know I won’t be sleeping. During the day, he has his teething ring, but at night, the pain seems unbearable. It feels like someone is pulling out teeth he doesn’t even have yet. My nights are broken up by his cries, and all I do is cuddle him and put him back to bed. But by morning, we’re both exhausted. Then I have to handle a cranky, irritable, overstimulated baby, and it’s a real struggle."

Olivia, mom of Charles, 18 months

My Remedies for Teething Pain



There are several ways to help soothe teething pain:

  • Teething rings that you can chill in the fridge (not the freezer!) to provide cooling relief. The cold helps numb the pain.
  • Anesthetic gels (check with your pediatrician first).
  • Homeopathic granules (consult your pediatrician before use).
  • Cleaning your baby’s face with a clean cloth to prevent irritation from excess drool.
  • Paracetamol (only if prescribed by your pediatrician and adapted to your baby’s weight—never before 3 months).

Important: Never self-medicate your baby. Any medication should always be approved by a pediatrician after a consultation.

The Magic of Mom and Dad’s Hugs



As Olivia mentioned, cuddles are often the only remedy that truly works. There’s nothing more comforting for a teething baby than the warmth of a parent’s arms. But remember to take turns—one night you, one night the other parent. If you’re exhausted, pass the baton. The more fatigue builds up, the harder it is to handle the crying. Frustration can quickly take over, and your baby won’t calm down if they sense your irritation.

It’s tough for both of you, but hang in there—teething-related sleep troubles usually last no more than 3 to 4 days. Soon, your baby will be back to their normal rhythm and happy self!

How to Tell If Your Baby Is Teething



Look for these telltale signs:

- Swollen gums
- Red cheeks
- Mild fever (below 38°C)
- Loose stools

 - Diaper rash
- Loss of appetite
- Restless sleep
- Grumpy mood

With patience and a little extra love, you’ll get through this stage together! ❤️