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What will life with my baby be like? Will they be the free-spirited type like me, an Aquarius, or more sensitive like my other Cancer child? Or maybe they'll inherit the determination of their Taurus grandmother or the grumpy tone of their Scorpio uncle? Whether your baby is due soon or has already been with you for a few days, wondering about their temperament is a question that crosses the mind of any new or expectant parent. We won’t promise you absolute science, but at least you can laugh a little with their (supposed) zodiac sign.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)
Aquarius babies are as free as the wind! You know, the kind of baby who might try to escape the changing table while you're reaching for a clean diaper? That's them. They're incredibly curious to explore their environment, both physically and socially, often in a spontaneous way. They're unique and might even have unique tastes! You won’t believe us? Just wait until they ask for a birthday cake made of apple-peanut-semolina wheels (yes, wheels) in the shape of their favorite character from a German cartoon you’re probably the only parent around who knows.
PISCES (February 19 - March 20)
With a Pisces baby, you’ll see plenty of tears rolling down their cheeks! But it’s not to annoy you, no, no. Pisces babies are incredibly sensitive and can only express their emotions by letting them flow. They have a great emotional intelligence, making them creative souls. They love the beautiful things in life, whether simple like a smile or grand like a lifelong dream. They might even become big sleepers — to recover from their emotions and to let themselves wander into their dreams! Future artists in the making!
ARIES (March 21 - April 19)
They are headstrong! Aries babies are go-getters who will fight for what they believe in. As stubborn as they are, they might drive you crazy… for example, trying to walk the first time they manage to stand up on their wobbly legs—only to faceplant. At least you’ll be able to celebrate their determination and strong sense of independence! But don’t hesitate to remind them that your arms are always available between falls and that you believe in them. 😉
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)
A grounded baby who will remind you to stay in touch with reality if you’re the dreamy type (hello Aquarius!). If your baby is born under this sign, take a deep breath and smile at the belly housing them. Taurus babies are kind and patient with others, so you shouldn’t face too many troubles with them. They’re also likely to appreciate a well-established routine, though a little exploration never hurts—a new stroller walk or a playdate with a new friend at the park will do them good.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)
This is THE baby of communication. They may learn to speak early and use words to assert their desires. But before that, it might be worth learning sign language with them to make life easier for both of you. They’ll likely push your buttons, wanting to negotiate everything, but they’re also great listeners and love laughing with you. Gemini babies also enjoy trying new things and can stay focused for hours when something really catches their interest.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
A Cancer baby is a sensitive soul who will want to develop a strong bond with their parents. They have strong intuition, so it’s best to be sincere with them — just because they don’t speak doesn’t mean they don’t understand. A little fearful, they’ll still love spending time outdoors, and you’ll likely witness beautiful moments as they discover the scent of flowers and study the community life of ants.
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
"Conquer the world" – that’s the motto for Leo babies! Starting with you, demanding your attention constantly – after all, you’re their parent, and the world must revolve around them, right? This need for attention may sometimes turn into tantrums, but don’t worry, your baby will repay you with plenty of smiles and giggles. In a few years, expect to watch impromptu "performances" in the middle of the living room and birthday parties where half their preschool class is invited.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)
Order, order, order. Virgo is the sign of organization! Your Virgo baby will likely love routines and demand their diaper be changed as soon as it’s dirty. These babies are calm and observant, so don’t be surprised if they watch you intently with big, curious eyes as you go about your tasks. Their environment is their first school, so feel free to explain everything you’re doing to satisfy their thirst for knowledge.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)
Libra babies love harmony, beauty, and attention. They enjoy sharing with those they love, so you won’t have much trouble when it’s time to leave them with a babysitter or at daycare. You’ll find them a few hours later babbling and playing happily with friends. However, they’ll enjoy coming back to you and getting their daily dose of cuddles to remind them how loved they are.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)
Expecting a Scorpio baby? Uh-oh! This is the diva baby, who wants everything or nothing. Life with them will be intense, full of surprises — both good and bad. You can expect a few tantrums, but in a few years, you’ll both laugh about it. Scorpios are an emotional water sign, so they’ll need room to express their emotions and creativity. We wish you good luck if you're expecting twin Scorpios! 🙊
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)
Here’s a preview: a Sagittarius baby might climb on top of you to wake you up in the morning. They are curious, sociable, and enthusiastic, and they love embarking on adventures and enjoying all that life has to offer (even if it means breaking a few rules to do so). They’ll surely enjoy having a pet or, at the very least, an imaginary friend to share 1,000 stories with. These babies also love discovering new environments, as their thirst for adventure is insatiable.
CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)
Demanding and even perfectionistic, Capricorn babies are likely to learn to talk or walk faster than other babies. They see the “big kids” doing it, so they’ll want to join in too! However, they might also be a little pessimistic and easily discouraged, as their standards are set very high. So don’t hesitate to show them plenty of affection — be there for them to remind them that, no matter what, you’ll always have their back.