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This year is a bit special: you’re celebrating Christmas while pregnant! The holiday meal might seem like a bit of a puzzle for you, as you know some foods are off-limits during pregnancy, but you don't have the exact list of what you can (or can’t) enjoy during the holiday season.
So, to fully enjoy the holiday meals while pregnant, follow this guide! Let’s take a closer look at what’s on your festive plate.
Can You Eat Foie Gras While Pregnant?
Yes and no. The temperature inside a “semi-cooked” foie gras (the famous homemade terrine) is about 50°C, which is not high enough to kill bacteria. You could opt for “cooked” foie gras, which is often found in vacuum-sealed jars at the supermarket.
What to Eat Instead of Foie Gras When Pregnant? Why not try truffle hummus? This ultra-tasty and festive recipe is also super quick to make.
Quick Truffle Hummus Recipe: Blend the following ingredients before enjoying them on toasted bread:
Can You Eat Smoked Salmon During Pregnancy?
NO. When you're pregnant, you absolutely need to avoid eating raw fish and meat to prevent listeriosis and toxoplasmosis. Replace it with well-cooked salmon.
How About Salmon Rillettes for an Appetizer?
Blend the following ingredients:
Poultry, Game Meat, What About Meat During Pregnancy at Christmas?
Turkey meat is great during pregnancy. Why? It’s low in calories and rich in protein. As for capon? It’s fattier and harder to digest than turkey. You can still enjoy it at Christmas, but don’t overdo it. However, if the meat is stuffed, it’s best to avoid it, just like charcuterie when pregnant, as stuffing is strongly discouraged.
What About Game Meat? It’s not a fatty meat. Like turkey, it’s rich in protein. But be careful when consuming game meat. You should watch out for its toxin and uric acid levels. Also, be cautious with how it's cooked. It’s often marinated, which can lead to bacterial growth.
Can I Have the Cheese Platter at Christmas While Pregnant?
YES, but... If you’re a cheese lover, you don’t need to deprive yourself. Especially since you need the valuable calcium it contains. But be careful: always choose pasteurized cheese. No other type. Once again, the goal is to avoid listeriosis and toxoplasmosis.
Alcohol During Pregnancy?
It’s a big NO. When you're pregnant, alcohol is a strict no-go from the start.
What Festive Drinks Can I Choose While Pregnant?
Yes to a nice cold kombucha. You know, that sparkling, fermented, and flavored tea. Less sugary than regular sodas, this drink is very rich in probiotics. Just be mindful of the bubbles if you’re prone to gas or acid reflux.
You can also enjoy Apfel Schorle. This drink, widely popular in Germany, mixes equal parts apple juice and sparkling water. Perfect for expectant moms keeping an eye on gestational diabetes!
As for fruit juices: no problem. Just pay attention to your product choices, and moderate your intake if you have gestational diabetes. Ideally, choose organic fruits and press them yourself. You can choose fruits like mango and banana, a duo rich in magnesium, calcium, and vitamin C. These fruits are great for boosting your baby’s immune system.
If you buy pre-made juices, go for fresh, pasteurized fruit juices without additives or sugar, rather than nectars.
What About Oysters, Roe, and Caviar?
It’s a NO. Like smoked salmon, these are raw products. Pregnant women are strongly advised to avoid raw fish.
What Can You Replace Caviar and Roe With?
You can enjoy shellfish (well-cooked and well-washed) like shrimp, lobster, crab meat, and scallops. But make sure they’re properly cooked and washed.
Dessert: Can I Have a Piece of the Christmas Yule Log?
YES and NO. The mousse and cream in a traditional yule log might contain raw eggs, which can carry salmonella. So, no for this type of dessert when pregnant.
What Dessert Can I Eat If I Skip the Yule Log?
Opt for ice cream yule logs. Manufacturers use pasteurized eggs to reduce health risks. Just make sure the cold chain has been maintained. And if a lovely plate of fresh fruit is served at your Christmas dinner, feel free to indulge. But ensure that the fruits are well washed if you’re not immune to toxoplasmosis.